Friday, September 2, 2011

Imbalance of Power

Enough is enough. Day after day there are some on the far left whining that the President is not doing what they want the way they want it done. Last week there was an article in Newsweek saying that President Obama is our countries Neville Chamberlain. Then this "journalist" suggested that the best thing our President could do was resign. And why does this person feel this way? Because in his words President Obama is an appeaser.  A compromiser.  Never mind the reality that there were never the votes to do anything else. Never mind the fact that you cannot win by losing. This writer would rather see a great but pointless fight. 
Talking heads on the left are saying that this President is not showing the kind of leadership they want. Since when did President Obama give any indication that he would do anything other than what he has tried to do from his first day in office? He said in his campaign speeches that he wanted to have business done differently in Washington. And he worked hard to accomplish things that everyone in this country, both left and right, would in the end support. How is it his fault that the Republicans had decided from the outset of this administration, or more accurately when the original Contract on America was foisted on this country, that the best way to regain power was to sacrifice the welfare of the country? Block, lie and create fear of everything he proposed.  This country has a very complex system of governance and he is required by law to work within that process. You know, democracy. He is not in the position to change the process of government to allow him to dictate the terms of running the country. And if a person would take the time to research the truth, that person would find that President Obama has accomplished a great deal against all of the efforts of the Republicans to stop it.
And there are now many of those best described as ground troops that feel these people might be right. They appear to be longing for the days when a president walks on stage in an Air Force jumpsuit complete with a waaaaay oversized codpiece as a show of leadership. Until then they are more inclined sit back and let someone else do the heavy lifting. "I'll vote for him but I can't do any work for him. He hasn't done enough for me".   Well, la de da. What have YOU done lately? How much have YOU done to promote the agenda you support? How hard did YOU work to keep the new freshman class (term used loosely) of Republican mouth breathers out of office? What... not that much? Well thanks a lot.
 We, Democrats, have allowed the present imbalance of power to come about by not working harder, talking louder, asking questions and fighting the spread of misinformation. And if the whining doesn't stop, if we sit back and say all is lost, if we again allow the hardcore right to lie and bully its way into an  even more powerful position then we will get what we deserve. Instead of complaining maybe we should spend more time and energy pointing out what has been accomplished, what has become better and what we stand to lose. We should work hard to get this President reelected and work even harder to get those that are willing to sacrifice this great country for the ideologically twisted goal of an America that only the privileged would want thrown from their positions of destruction. Then and only then will we be able to act on the ideas that will make this country again the place that the rest of the world can only wish it could be.
It's not just this President's job to fight for what we want, it's a job for all of us.