I have been watching, with great interest and occasional amusement, the Republican reality show disguised as the run up to the primaries. As one after the other prospective candidates have come to the front of the pack they have been exposed as, at best, entertainment, but more often than not absolutely uninformed, morally bankrupt, issue vacant, empty suits. Or in Michele's case, empty pantsuit. Those eyes, so creepy.
This clown parade presented by the Republicans comes at a time when very serious problem are hammering this country daily. It's almost like the right is playing a dangerous prank on the country. A practical joke that doesn't appear to have a punchline. It's just a pointless display of partisan blathering which, when exposed to the light of day, show these buffoons for what they are. I always thought that front runner status came after the public heard what the candidates positions were, not before. Not this time though. The Republicans are so grasping at straws this cycle they will declare their newest leader before they know where they are being lead. It's like all of the candidates are driven to the "debates" in a tiny car, to be dumped off at the front door of the house of mirrors at a carnival.
First it was Mitt. Mitt, the whirling dervish of position politics. How does he feel about a particular issue? Depends on what time it is. It's surprising he hasn't tossed his lunch like a kid on a tilt-a-whirl. Michele Bachmann was the next to ride into the fray, with what could have only been a religious fever caused call for an investigation of the House of Representatives and their Un-American thoughts. Thanks a lot Chris Mathews. Next up The Donald, nuff said. Seriously folks. The Donald?!!! Then came the call to Rick Perry to ride to the rescue of right wing conservative ideology. Rick Perry, the guy who came to the attention of those on the right by suggesting that Texas should consider seceding from the country he now wants to lead. Brilliant!!! Now it's Herman Cain. I'd like to take this time to point out his flaws but so many are surfacing on a daily, or has it become hourly, basis it's impossible to keep up. And somewhere in this mess we had T. Paw, the disappearing puff of policy smoke. In between we were subjected to a lineup of personalities that represent the who's who of far right nut jobs that don't really think they can win. Newt (serial divorcer of terminal wives), Santorum (google it for fun), Ron Paul ("bless his heart" as they say in the South), "the invisible man" Jon Huntsman, Buddy (really Buddy?) Rommer, and Mr. "Smoke it if you got it" Gary Johnson. Their only purpose for being here is self-promotion. Books to sell, speeches to be paid for, dinners to be invited to. A tag team of disparate, desperate publicity whores.
The cream of the crop. The best they have to offer. The solution to our national dilemma.
Is it a cure if the treatment kills the patient?
If this isn't just one big joke on this country I don't know what it could be. I just wish they would step out from behind the curtain and scream "You've been PUNKED".