Anyone who claims that they are planning to vote for Mitt
Romney based on what his stances are on almost any issue appear, being generous
here, delusional. Mr. Romney has no stances beyond the immediately advantageous
Abortion rights. For it, then against it then for it and
against it again. Gun control. As governor of Mass. he passed an assault
weapons ban but now claims to be a lifelong member of the NRA and avid varmint
hunter, if you will. Mandated health insurance with penalties collected in the
form of taxes. Good with that before he was against it. Tax breaks for the top.
Up until Oct. 4, 2012 20% was the magic number that would heal all ills. Now he claims that there will be no
cuts for the very wealthy. He said that the very rich will pay the same
percentage after the tax cut as they did before. It's a well turned phrase and also
very deceptive. The amount decreases in real dollars by the percentage of the
cut itself. Taking a stance that looks more like a dance class floor diagram than a
policy position is the norm for Mitt Romney and has been for years. Climate
change, availability of contraceptives for women, caring for and about the
"47%", evolution, gay rights and on and on. And how many times have his surrogates been trotted out to correct his words after he has spewed, smiled and walked away in a cloud of self righteousness? Will he have there surrogates present in every meeting, at every press conference? Why not just run the surrogates in the first place?
His campaign resembles much more a high end fashion show for a
small slice of well appointed people than a true political effort with the common good in mind. Mitt strolls out in front
of his people, dressed in the fashion of the minute, smiles his empty smile, waves, spews
and walks away. He then goes backstage,
changes his clothes along with his positions, struts back out from behind the
magic curtain of deception and misdirection, walks to the front and waves his
pointless wave again. Wash, rinse, repeat. He
does this hour after hour, day after day and position after position. And
through all of this the only real constant is his forced and vacuous smile. His positions, like the fashions that no one
will or could actually wear, are just thin fabric, straight pins and strategic pieces of tape that
create the illusion of substance while offering no real protection.
Mitt Romney
and Paul Ryan are playing this country for fools and about half the electorate are falling for
it since it's easier to believe what they are told than to listen to what's being said.
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