Today I launch my first blog posting. I am new to this whole thing but I feel the need to put in writing the stance I have on given subjects, primarily my views on politics and the use of lies and fear to maintain a grip on power and money. The spread of misinformation from the conservative right has become so pervasive that there is no longer the exchange of ideas that have fueled the evolution of this country, it's intellectual curiosity and the true nature of it's people. Now the conversation has been lowered to the point of being just bumper sticker slogans that have no real resemblance to a rational exchange of ideas. There is now a large group that believes as long as something is said often enough and loud enough that it will eventually become true, and to the fearful or the simple that is the case, it will become their truth. Simple minds will migrate to a place where the cackling voices they hear are mimicking the voices they hear in their own heads. It's so much easier than doing the research required to learn the truth, whether it's what you want to hear or not. The truth can be a little disappointing to some who only seek conformation of there baseless ideology rather than the needed information to form a legitimate ideology.
So in this space I will try to present information, including cross referenced validation of that information, in a way that shows the lies for what they are. I hope this comes in handy for those who read it that may be trying persuade just one person that has been misdirected by the purveyors of those lies. Conversation that are taking place in homes, schools, bars and churches or anywhere else people get together to exchange ideas are the only way this battle for truth can be fought and won. It's the way this country was originally conceived. It's how this country can combat those that seek to dominate through fear and lies.
And then?