Wednesday, July 27, 2011

who pays taxes

With the debate around raising the debt limit or any other conversation involving the nations economy, the rabid on the right exclaim "TAX THOSE 47% FREELOADERS THAT DON'T PAY TAXES" to get us out of our troubles. Of course they are screaming without knowledge of who these people are and the circumstances that they live under that puts them in that 47%.

There are at least 45 million people in this country living at or below the poverty level and there are many who think they should pay more.

There are over 2 million people in this country that are paid the federal minimum wage of $7.25 or less. There are 9 states that have set minimum wages at levels lower than the federal standard or have no minimum wages at all. For a full time employee that $7.25 comes to $11,600.00 a year. That's PRE TAX income. $223.08 a week. That's roughly the income considered to be at the poverty level for a 1 person household. Many of those minimum wage earners are trying to support more than just themselves. A great number of those minimum wage earners are only part time employees so their income is even less. Those are some of the people that are NOT REQUIRED BY FEDERAL LAW to pay federal income taxes. But out of that $223.08 a week they do pay Social Security payments, they do pay Medicare taxes. They do pay state income taxes where required, and they do pay sales taxes on what they purchase, like food for instance. They do pay taxes. And there are some who think that they should pay more from what they have left after they pay those taxes. That somehow there is enough there to solve this countries fiscal problems. Many of these people are just trying to survive.

And the question must be asked of those yattering heads "Do you take advantage of the allowable tax deductions when you file your federal income tax returns?" resulting in you paying less than you actually owe. If you do, would that not make you too a freeloader? If not, why is it ok for you and not for someone else?

While going after those least fortunate in this country Republicans are protecting these folks.-

"Bruce Bartlett talks about who does and does not pay federal taxes, and notes that "the growth of the non-income-taxpaying population is largely the result of Republican tax policies."
He also notes that:
There are 78,00 tax filers with incomes of $211,000.00 to $533,000.00 who pay no federal income taxes this year. Even more amazingly, there are 24,000 households with incomes of $533,000 to $2.2 million with zero income tax liability, and 3,000 tax filers with incomes over $2.2 million with the same federal income tax liability as most of those with incomes barely above the poverty level."

For those who don't know who Mr. Bartlett is-
Bruce Bartlett was a domestic policy adviser to President Ronald Reagan and Treasury official under President G.H.W. Bush, both known to be avid socialist communist wealth redistributionists.

These are who must be addressed first as they are the ones who hold the nations wealth hostage while the tru middle class keeps paying and paying. This must stop.

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